Louis XIV The Sun King
reigned 1643-1715 (72 years)
Louis XV
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette and her children
Marie Antoinette and her children
Jardin de Versailles
Fleur-de-Lis, Symbol of France
Galerie des Glasces
[Hall of Mirrors]
French Revolutionary Art
Storming the Bastille
Execution of Robespierre, 1794

Battle of Fleurus 1794
War of the First Coalition
Bonaparte at Battle of Arcole, 1796
Battle of the Pyramids, July 1798 by Baron Lejeune
Bonaparte in Egypt by Gerome
Battle of the Nile, August 1798
Destruction of L'Orient at the Battle of the Nile, by George Arnauld
Battle of the Nile by Thomas Luny
Battle of Alexandria, March 1801
by Philip James de Loutherbourg
The Rosetta Stone, in the British Museum
James Gillray, The First Kiss this Ten Years
He (Frenchman)says: "Madame, permittez me to pay my profound esteem to your engaging person!— & to seal on your divine Lips my everlasting attachment!!!"
She (Britannia) says, "Monsieur, you are truly a well-bred Gentleman!— &, tho' you make me blush, yet, you Kiss so delicately, that I cannot refuse you, tho' I was sure you would Deceive me again."
Thomas Girtin, La Rue St Denis, Paris. 1802