Battle of Waterloo by William Sadler
9,500 dead; 32,000 wounded
Napoleon's Retreat
The Prussians capture Napoleon's carriage
One of Napoleon's carriages and one of his greatcoats and hats
on display in Paris
Napoleon's carriage was displayed in London in 1815,
but was destroyed in a fire at Madam Tussaud's in later years
Allies second entry into Paris, July 7, 1815
Entry into Paris of 95th Rifles, led by Lt. Smith
Napoleon Aboard the HMS Bellerophon
Napoleon Aboard HMS Bellerophon
Tourists in Plymouth Harbor to see Napoleon (in center ship)
painting by John James Chalon, 1817
location of St. Helena in the South Atlantic
Angel carries sign that says "He fled from Egypt, Madrid, Moscow, Leipzig, Mt. St. Jean"
Caption: I Came, I Saw, I Fled.
The Tyrant Overthrown by Justice is excluded from the world
Longwood House, St. Helena, Napoleon's home on the island
Death of Napoleon, 1821
Death of Ney, December, 1815
Ney's Grave, Lachaise Cemetery, Paris
Marie-Louise, Duchess of Parma, 1812
by Robert Lefevre
Napoleon II
studio of Sir Thomas Lawrence (private collection)
Napoleon Franz Bonaparte by Sir Thomas Lawrence
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University
Napoleon II, King of Rome aka Duc du Reichstadt
Franz (Napoleon), Duke of Reichstadt
by Bucher Leopold
Josephine Beauharnais Bonaparte 1763-1814
by Francois Gerard c. 1807
Eugene Beauharnais
Son of Josephine and stepson of Napoleon
married a Princess of Bavaria and had 7 children. some of whom married into noble Eurioeamn families; his daughter married King Oscar I of Sweden
(son of the former Count Bernadotte and Desiree Clary)
Hortense de Beauharnais, daughter of Josephine and step-daughter of Napoleon
married Napoleon's brother Louis, King of Holland to 1810,
and mother of Napoleon III
portrait by Anne-Louis Girodet deRoussy-Trioson, 1808
version of the above portrait hanging at Malmasion, 2014
Hortense, Queen of Holland,
by Francois Gerard
also mother of the Due de Morny, by Comte Charles de Flauhaut
she lived ins Switzerland from 1817-37
Letizia Bonaparte, Napoleon's mother, 1750-1836
who lived in Rome 1815 till her death there at age 85
Letizia Romolino Bonaparte by Canova
Chatsworth House
Letizia Bonaparte, by Canova
Bibliotecca Nazionale Centrale de Firenze
Above, l'Salon'
Le Salon Dore
Le Salon de Musique
La Bibliotheque
Le Salon de l'Empereur
La chambre a coucher de l'Empereur
Pieces des services de l'Emperatrice Josephine
et Prince Eugene
porcelain dure, 1811-13
Salle de la frise
above three, belongings of Josephine
La chambre a coucher de l'Imperatrice
le Jardin
A selection of Josephine's roses
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